What is Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy?

The power to change lies with you - let me help you discover how.

Many of us get stuck in a never ending cycle of wanting to feel better, change or improve but not knowing how.

The way in which we think directly affects the way in which we feel and behave -  if we’re out of sync. it’s a constant battle. Understanding how this can be changed positively and in the long term is the key. Using evidence based techniques I can teach you how to stop     over-thinking, worrying and ruminating on past events – so you can move forward.

There is a large body of evidence supporting the use of hypnosis as a treatment in a wide range of conditions and to improve performance. 

This is particularly powerful and effective when combined with hypnosis. 

The medical profession is using hypnosis as a treatment for IBS and  chronic pain as well as in dentistry.  

The process of hypnosis is pleasant and relaxing, its purpose is to enable you to focus your thoughts and attention to achieve your goals. 

This is nothing like stage hypnosis, through practice and learnt skills you will be able to focus your attention very specifically to achieve your goals.

Think of day dreaming - but with complete focus. You are completely in control and can stop whenever you want.  

During our first session, if it’s appropriate for you, I can demonstrate how and why it works. Another useful analogy is to think of the focus that athletes have – that’s self-hypnosis. Everyone can learn to do it.

I use customised hypnotherapy to guide you and reinforce positive suggestions for change. It’s a process I will teach you so that you can use self- hypnosis techniques.